Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Why I Chose History

Often I ask my friends and classmates about their least favorite class. I was shocked to hear that history was boring to them. I thought to myself that I can understand where they are coming from. History can be a fun class, but it all depends on the teacher. I plan on changing that narrative by taking the hands-on approach to history.


  1. Can one think of a better tool than blog for such a task? I can't! Best of luck with your endeavor, Bruce!

  2. It's funny to hear history is not one of many favorite subject. I love studying facts in past history and today's history. I actually do a lot better in classes which I can learn by committing to memory. I'm not very technical or hands on. Give me a book, let me read and study that way.

    1. As a teacher I must take into account the students who learn by reading as well.

  3. I will realize once i'm in the classroom there are students that learn by hearing and there are students that learn by reading. I will compensate for all students.

    1. That is good to hear. I wish you the best of luck on your journey to become a teacher.

  4. I will realize once i'm in the classroom there are students that learn by hearing and there are students that learn by reading. I will compensate for all students.
